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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

A voluntary program which sets out criteria defining what that organization deems a “green home” to be. Builders submit their design for review and depending on how many points it earns, the organization will award a plaque of various colors to display on the building.

Who administers it?

US Green Building Council (nongovernmental organization)

How does it affect MasterBrand products?

LEED certification programs were started to cover office buildings and have a broad base of certified buildings in that niche. The residential standard doesn’t assign much point value to cabinetry for the cost of building compliant product.

Why is it important?

This program is being used by builders/contractors in some markets to help sell homes. If/when demand reaches significant levels, MasterBrand may choose to participate.

What is MasterBrand's status today with respect to this program?

MasterBrand doesn’t currently produce a line of cabinets that meet all of the LEED requirements.

How does MasterBrand plan to deal with this program in the future?

Market demand has not been sufficient to justify the higher cost of materials to create a product line to date. MasterBrand will continue to monitor customer requests.

What does MasterBrand have to do to qualify/comply?

Wood kitchen cabinets must be made with FSC certified wood and NAF composite wood to earn ½ point. An additional ½ point is available if the materials are sourced and produced within 500 miles of the home.